About Me

Zarina Mohideen Hizbullah is the founder principal of Hejaaz International School, Sri Lanka. Her stories are inspired by her experience with both children and parents.

Her short stories and articles have been published in several local newspapers. Wardha's Wonder Boxes is the adapted version of a short story which won the first prize at a countrywide competition organized by "Room to Read" a foundation that seeks to transform lives of children in developing countries.

My Inspiration


My stories revolve around the lives of children. Having taught in state schools for over 20 years I retired from service and opened my own school. Throughout these years I had the opportunity to peek into the lives of children from all walks of life.

The stories that emerged revolved in my mind for days. Stories of longing locked up in little hearts, relationships with adults and with one another were waiting to be told. That was the time “Room to Read” announced a story writing competition. I submitted one of my stories. When it won the first prize I was inspired to write.

My stories are about Muslims who live in the same time as we do. The characters look and act like the readers I target. The protagonists in my stories react the way the reader would - which makes it easier for them to develop a sense of belonging and empathize with the characters in the book.

I believe that storytelling has a powerful impact and I am using it to instil Islamic values and give role models in a way that nonfiction does not. Through my stories I strive to sustain brotherhood, respect to elders, patience and prayer.

In a large amount of mainstream fiction things that are simply not allowed in Islam are normalized. Children who read this kind of fiction begin to imagine themselves in those situations. Eventually they forget that there is anything wrong with the un-islamic life styles described in that kind of fiction.

For the non-Muslim reader my stories provide a glimpse into the lives of Muslims. In an islamophobic world I strive to convey something positive about Islam.

My Books

Hajer's Day at The Beach
Wardha's Wonder Boxes

Book Review

Contact Me

Hajer's Day At The Beach



Hajer is curious about everything around her. She prays to Allah to increase her in knowledge. Hajer’s wish is to spend an entire morning at the beach. Uncle Yousuf agrees to take her. When it is time to get back home there is a problem. Hajer’s knowledge comes to the rescue.

Illustrated by;

Purnima Mitra, is a Bangladeshi artist who works as an illustrator, 3D artist and an interior designer. She received the Asian Art major scholarship (2012) conducted by the Korean Government to Korea National University of Arts in South Korea for a 2 year MFA program. She has exhibited her work at 32 group exhibitions in Bangladesh and different countries. She is currently working as an interior designer and language specialist.


Wardha's Wonder Boxes



Wardha’s family moves out of their beautiful village, to live in the city. Wardha does not like the new environment. She wants to go back. Grandmother advises her. Wardha follows her advice and then things change.

Illustrated by;

Purnima Mitra, is a Bangladeshi artist who works as an illustrator, 3D artist and an interior designer. She received the Asian Art major scholarship (2012) conducted by the Korean Government to Korea National University of Arts in South Korea for a 2 year MFA program. She has exhibited her work at 32 group exhibitions in Bangladesh and different countries. She is currently working as an interior designer and language specialist.
